
Friday, January 13, 2012

Let Paparazzi Know Where You Have Been!

Often times, the Paparazzi Main Office will get a call from a customer asking for the contact information of a Consultant who was at a particular event/expo. Sometimes, they are able to track down the correct Consultant most of the time, but as Paparazzi grows this is becoming increasingly difficult to do.
In order to continue to offer great customer service, Paparazzi devised a system that will allow you, the Consultant, to let corporate office know where and when you will be showcasing Paparazzi at a large event.
All you need to do is send an email to Please make sure your email includes: your name, Consultant ID number, the location (city and state) of the event, as well as, the name and dates the event. This is not for home parties or open house parties, just for the larger expo events you participate in. I would even include small town fairs and boutiques (just not home parties).
This will be a very useful tool for you and your Paparazzi business.

Also, if you advertise on blogs, websites, online or anywhere, let Paparazzi know (at that same email) what the name of the sites you advertise on - even if it is your own!  You want people who see your ad to join with you - not some other consultant who didn't do the work! 

Happy Recruiting!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Basket Parties

Basket Parties are the bomb!  Take a basket with you wherever you go.  Call on offices, schools, banks, production plants, retirement centers, gyms, hospitals or anywhere else you can think of.   Let party hostesses take them to work.   Let friends take them to family dinners or get togethers.   Ask customers to share this jewelry with their co-workers at check-out.  Just get the jewelry out and about for everyone to see.

Working women (and men) are the perfect people to sell to - while they are a work.
1.  They have more money.
2.  They probably need to look professional or nice for their job.
3.  They have less time to go shopping at malls and stores.
4.  They make great basket parties hostesses!

What does a basket party look like?
Anyway you want it to.
 This is my upline's.  She has a large fabric bag and has Paparazzi embroidered on it.  She puts a ton of jewelry in it.
 This is one of mine.  I fit it in a round hat box.  It has a lid.  I broke it down so you can see what is inside of it.
When I have a lot of basket parties out at once, I have even put them in Paparazzi boxes.   Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

What goes in a basket party? 
This is what I normally put in.  (It varies based on how many people are going to be at the work place/party.
I normally put about 100 pieces.  Basket parties are great for smaller inventories.  They never know that you don't have 1000 pieces at home.   They just are excited about $5 jewelry.

-50-60 necklaces.   Lots of best sellers and neutrals.   At least one of each color that is NOT neutral.
-10-15 pairs of earrings   ( Mostly neutrals with a little color added.)
-10 bracelets
-10 rings
-10 clips
-10 headbands
*Starlet Shimmers (optional)  - ask your hostess.

You notice on my basket parties that I keep all the headbands, clips, bracelets, and earrings in their own separate bags for easy locating, keeping things organized and not getting as tangled and broken.  I keep the rings in the ring boxes.

I also put a mirror, my business card, drawing slips, Top 10 reasons to become a Paparazzi consultant, a money bag with 1 $5, 5 $1 and $2.50 in quarters, and an inventory sheet that tells the hostess how many pieces of each are in the basket. 

On that paper, I also have the price and "Make checks payable to: Michelle Johnnie."  I also tell the hostess if she gets anyone to host a party from that basket party, I will give her a free piece of jewelry - that gives her incentive to talk to her co-workers about hosting parties.  

I recommend leaving a basket at a place for at least 2 days.    If people don't have money, time to shop or aren't taking a break one day, they can look at it the next.

If you would like a copy of the inventory sheet or tracking sheet I have, please email me at

Why are we charged tax if we are buying product wholesale?

"As a rule of party plan companies, sales tax is precollected on the retail price. It is based on the tax rate of the shipping zip code. When you sell the item you charge tax and keep it as a reimbursement to yourself because the tax was precollected and submitted to the state by Paparazzi corporate when the product was originally purchased." - Corporate Facebook Page

I thought this was a very brief, but complete description of the taxes associated with checkout.  Even though the jewelry only costs us $2.75 at check-out, each item is taxed on $5 because that is what we are supposed to sell it for!  SO you do not need to worry about sending in sales tax money to the govt because Paparazzi takes care of that, but you do need to charge it (thus why most consultants do $5.50) or the taxes will be coming out of your commission.