
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Friend Frenzy

At the corporate training last week, Misty Kirby gave some really GREAT ideas on how to get more people to your parties which will result in more sales, more money made, more parties booked and more consultants to join your team.

One idea was called "Friend Frenzy."
On the invitation, write there will be a drawing for a FREE piece of jewelry to be chosen at the end of party.   You can put your name in the drawing once for every friend you bring.   3 friends = 3 entries.  Let your hostess know that you will be doing this so they can tell their friends when they are delivering the invitations.  

The three things hostesses should say when delivering invites are:
1.  Everything is $5.
2.  Everything is so cute!!!!
3.  Bring friends who enjoy a great deal and be entered to win free jewelry.

It is rare that someone will come to a party without buying at least one piece of jewelry.  This will definitely increase your sales and more.  Also, these are people that you probably wouldn't have access to invite!  Awesome idea!!!

Any more ideas on how to get more guests to parties?  Leave them in the comments.

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