
Friday, September 2, 2011

Hostess Rewards

How to do Hostess Rewards?

There are several options and you choose what is best for you, but it should be at least equal to 5% of your cost and 10% to what you sell at the party.

I do:
1 piece for hosting the party. 10% for every $100 sold. So for a $250 party, the hostess would get to choose 5 items for the total sold and 2 for hosting the party. That's 7 total items. It "costs" me approximately $20 (after the taxes I had to pay) to earn about $105. Not bad for 3 hours of work. And the hostess feels like she got a great deal. Everyone is happy! ***Actually, it doesn't "cost "that much when you read below about Paparazzi giving you free items for hostess rewards.***

Some other options:
1 item for hosting, 1 piece for every 10 paying customers who come,plus 1 item for every $100 sold
1 item for booking a party (if they book it at someone else's party/fair)
1 item for at least 20 people coming

If you do one out of your home, you could do a "Mystery Hostess" drawing, so whoever gets it, gets to have the 10% or you could split it and 2 people could have 5% each. That might get more people coming. But order to qualify, they must purchase something. Or you could give a set number of items away. Or you can keep the money yourself.

You can also do a raffle for 2 items, plus your business card & comp plan flyer

I have also heard of consultants giving the hostess 1/2 off an item if someone books a party at their party, but they must redeem it at their friend's party (so they might buy even more there, or they may never redeem it, just an extra option)

I also offer 2 free items if they refer someone that signs up under me. Hope this helps. Just find what works best for you & make a sign and frame it saying what a hostess gets, you may get more if they realize how much awesome FREE stuff they can get!

I also write a THANK YOU note after the party is over

What other ways are there? What do you do? Leave it in the comments.

Just remember: the hostess does a lot of work. Passing out invites, cleaning her house, providing refreshments. If you reward them kindly, they will remember and will make future recommendations for you, host more parties, be repeat buyers and such. Don't be stingy!

I've been asked if the company gives you hostess rewards. The answer is yes AND no.

The following tends to be the case, but not always!!!
Paparazzi usually gives you 1 "hostess reward" for every 20 items you purchase (5%). Sometimes it shows up on your invoice and sometimes it doesn't, but there should be a bag or two labeled "hostess rewards" in your box. These may be discountinued items or current items. They may be beautiful. They may be harder to sell items. They are free! Be grateful for them and make the most of them:)


  1. right now I'm doing 1 free item for hosting, 10% from party sales, 1 if sales are more than $200. I was thinking of doing 1/2 priced item if somebody books and then they redeem it at their friends party.
