
Monday, October 17, 2011

Clip Display

 This is how I display my clips.  It holds about 45-48 clips when they are packed closely together.   Extra clips I have that don't fit, I just put around the tables and out where people can see them.   Usually the clips that have 2 small ones, I keep on a card and put near the starlight shimmer items.  BTW, you need to check out and buy some starlight shimmer rings and earrings if you haven't already.  I charge $1.25 per item and they sell VERY WELL. 

To make my display, I just bought an old frame from a garage sale ($.25!!!!)   I spray painted it white and then stapled ribbon from one side to the other in rows.   It took me about 20 minutes total (not including drying time).   The clip display is easy to transport, quick to set up (just lay it on a table) and cute!   I get many compliments about it at parties and people say they are going to go home and make one for their clips!
This is the back of the display. 

I display a clip on a bag.  You can also display a clip on a hat, shoes, necklace, shirt, jacket, sweater, etc.  Showing or explaining how clips can be worn are great for upselling.  At my very first party, I wore a clip on a necklace.   The first customer bought 6 items.  Then she talked to my mom (the host) for a while.  After a few minutes, she said, "Is that a clip you are wearing on your necklace?"  I said, "Yes.  There are SO MANY things you can do with clips."  I proceeded to tell her all the places you can wear a clip.  She walked over the clips and bought 4 more:)  Nice!   I have used this technique many times and sold MANY clips by just talking about what you can do with clips.   ALWAYS wear a clip on a necklace (unless it looks really bad!  Then just wear it on your shirt!)

Happy clip selling:)

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