
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Invitations and Postcard Invitations

When I book a party with someone, I always tell them I have two options for invitations.   I can send them one via email that has some good information they can print out and photocopy to hand out to friends, I can photocopy that kind for them OR I can give them the postcard kind from the company.    I love it when they say, "Oh just send it to my email and I will do the rest!!!!"  Yeah!!!!  If they say they want the postcards, ask how many and do the following.

If you are using the postcard invitations with your hostesses, I suggest doing two things.  The first is to write somewhere on the invite that everything is only $5!!!! 

I first was introduced to Paparazzi by being invited to a party.  An invitation was handed to me in passing.  It said nothing about everything being $5 and the hostess didn't say anything to me about the price.  I actually don't wear much jewelry and since most parties are expensive, I didn't go.  Had I known the price, I would have attended and bought something and probably joined the company a few weeks earlier.

I used to print two "ALL Items $5" on one label and cut it in half.  I would put one $5 label on the back of each invite by the hostess info.  That way anyone who looked at it knew the price.   You can get a stamp also if you would rather do that.  Just make sure you get the fast drying ink!!!!

The other suggestion I have is to print out the info for the party (hostess' name, date, time, phone number and address) on a label so the hostess doesn't have to spend an hour or two writing it out by hand.  It is a PAIN and I was to make it as painless as possible for my hostess.  If I do, she is more likely to hand out more invites and talk to more people.   If she gets tired and annoyed, she is less likely to write out and hand out as many invites as if she just peels and sticks it on.  This may cost $.50 to $1.00 more per party, but if this makes it so the hostess invites more, it only takes one extra item bought to cover the price.  It is well worth it.  If you need me to explain how to print on a label, please call me at 435-610-1609 and I would be happy to walk you through it.

Additionally, I send two different invites via email to my hostesses.  I tell them they can print either of these out for reminders, post on office bulletin boards, post to facebook or send in emails.   Some of them do it and others don't.  I still believe it is worth the 15 minutes that it takes me to change the information and send to hostesses.

In the email, this is what I write:  (sorry that it is centered.  I can't get the post to line at the left.)

Hi __________, 
These are some invitations to the party at your house you can use with email, Facebook and to copy.   They serve as a great reminder when emailed or facebooked the day before the part.  I have attached two different ones.  You do whatever is best for you.   I also am attaching a paper about how to get the most free jewelry (hostess tips).  

The most important thing is to give a physical invite and say the following:
1.  Everything is $5 or less ($5.50 with the tax).
2.  It is cute!!!!!
3.  Bring a friends and daughters.
4.  Stock up for Christmas!!!!  Makes great stocking stuffers and accents to outfits!!!

Let your guests know that they can do their Christmas shopping at this party because everything is cute and reasonably priced!!!!

Something that has worked great for hostesses lately is to send out a text and facebook reminder the day of of the day before the party.

Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions.  


If you want the invites that I send via email or the hostess tips, please email me at and I will send it back to you!

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