As you know, retail stores can carry Paparazzi Accessories. AND why wouldn't they want to? Having this jewelry could:
1. Increase sales throughout the store
2. Bring in new customers
3. Make money off Paparazzi sales
4. Have the option of doing parties and making a downline
5. Increase word-of-mouth advertising with customers
What would make a good retail site for Paparazzi?
1. Salons
2. Boutiques
3. Craft stores
4. Gift shops
5. Anywhere women frequent it
6. Beauty supply store
7. Clothing stores
8. Bookstores
9. Athletic/workout gyms
10. ANYWHERE (there is a framing/art store in my downline and they sell a bit!)
When approaching a retail center, there are a few ways to do it.
1. Call and make an appointment with the buyer, manager or owner.
2. Wear your accessories in and strike up a conversation with one of the above people. If you try either of these ideas, have a basket of jewelry with you to show them.
3. When you are asking where women work at parties and you find out one of your customer has one of the above positions, talk about them carrying Paparazzi in their store.
When you are talking with the person in charge, use the term "WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR." Ask them if they would like to become a distributor - not an "independent consultant." It just sounds better for a business owner to be a wholesale distributor. Let them know every piece of jewelry only costs $2.75. They can sell it for $5 OR MORE. Explain that they will probably sell more volume if they sell it a lower price, but will make more profit per item if they sell higher. They can choose at what price to sell it. After they decide they want to do it or as you are talking about the benefits of carrying Paparazzi in their store, you can mention home parties, basket parties, and the other stuff we do as consultants.
If by some chance, they do not want to become a consultant and pick their own jewelry and order and stock by themselves, you can ask if they would allow you to put it in their store. Most likely they will want a percentage of sales. They best way (in my opinion) is to have them join themselves and take care of it by themselves. You will still get commission from them without the headache of checking up on it often.
Leave a comment if you have other ideas or advice on retail outlets and distributors.
A Paparazzi Accessory Blog for Consultants to get Ideas and Build Their Business
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Teacher's Lounge Set-up!!!!
There are so many places you can display your jewelry if you just ASK!!!! This is my display in a teachers' workroom. I asked the administrator if I could set up for a few days to provide the teachers with reasonably priced jewelry and accessories. She said, "Yes." Just ASK!!!!
I brought my whole headband and clip display. Of course, I don't have every item I own on it, but I did provide a good variety. I only brought 3 boxes of rings, a few starlit shimmers, earrings, bracelets and necklaces. I broke my rule of one necklace per hook because of lack of space and not being able to restock every time someone bought something. I vertically lined up earrings, bracelets and necklaces in corresponding colors. It looks very nice and is a great upselling technique!
I brought my whole headband and clip display. Of course, I don't have every item I own on it, but I did provide a good variety. I only brought 3 boxes of rings, a few starlit shimmers, earrings, bracelets and necklaces. I broke my rule of one necklace per hook because of lack of space and not being able to restock every time someone bought something. I vertically lined up earrings, bracelets and necklaces in corresponding colors. It looks very nice and is a great upselling technique!
This diplay is 36" tall and about 8 feet wide. Just ask the Home Depot or Lowe's guy to cut a 4x8 pegboard for you. One cut at 3 feet or 36" (so it becomes a 3x8) and then 4 cuts on the 3 foot section. 2 cuts should be 6 inches and 2 cuts 3 1/2 feet or 40 inches. Then you can either use hinges to hinge them together or ribbon. This is what it looks like when it is all folded up and ready to carry to my parties! If you want it to fit on a 6-foot table, have one foot cut off so it is 3x7. Make the longer 2 cuts 3 feet long. If you need more info about how to make these, email me.
Here is my 5yr-old daughter modeling it in her Barbie pajamas. I carry it by a handle. This actual case does not have jewelry in it. It can be heavy, but it is worth it!!!!!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Invitations and Postcard Invitations
When I book a party with someone, I always tell them I have two options for invitations. I can send them one via email that has some good information they can print out and photocopy to hand out to friends, I can photocopy that kind for them OR I can give them the postcard kind from the company. I love it when they say, "Oh just send it to my email and I will do the rest!!!!" Yeah!!!! If they say they want the postcards, ask how many and do the following.
If you are using the postcard invitations with your hostesses, I suggest doing two things. The first is to write somewhere on the invite that everything is only $5!!!!
I first was introduced to Paparazzi by being invited to a party. An invitation was handed to me in passing. It said nothing about everything being $5 and the hostess didn't say anything to me about the price. I actually don't wear much jewelry and since most parties are expensive, I didn't go. Had I known the price, I would have attended and bought something and probably joined the company a few weeks earlier.
I used to print two "ALL Items $5" on one label and cut it in half. I would put one $5 label on the back of each invite by the hostess info. That way anyone who looked at it knew the price. You can get a stamp also if you would rather do that. Just make sure you get the fast drying ink!!!!
The other suggestion I have is to print out the info for the party (hostess' name, date, time, phone number and address) on a label so the hostess doesn't have to spend an hour or two writing it out by hand. It is a PAIN and I was to make it as painless as possible for my hostess. If I do, she is more likely to hand out more invites and talk to more people. If she gets tired and annoyed, she is less likely to write out and hand out as many invites as if she just peels and sticks it on. This may cost $.50 to $1.00 more per party, but if this makes it so the hostess invites more, it only takes one extra item bought to cover the price. It is well worth it. If you need me to explain how to print on a label, please call me at 435-610-1609 and I would be happy to walk you through it.
Additionally, I send two different invites via email to my hostesses. I tell them they can print either of these out for reminders, post on office bulletin boards, post to facebook or send in emails. Some of them do it and others don't. I still believe it is worth the 15 minutes that it takes me to change the information and send to hostesses.
In the email, this is what I write: (sorry that it is centered. I can't get the post to line at the left.)
Hi __________,
These are some invitations to the party at your house you can use with email, Facebook and to copy. They serve as a great reminder when emailed or facebooked the day before the part. I have attached two different ones. You do whatever is best for you. I also am attaching a paper about how to get the most free jewelry (hostess tips).
The most important thing is to give a physical invite and say the following:
1. Everything is $5 or less ($5.50 with the tax).
2. It is cute!!!!!
3. Bring a friends and daughters.
4. Stock up for Christmas!!!! Makes great stocking stuffers and accents to outfits!!!
Let your guests know that they can do their Christmas shopping at this party because everything is cute and reasonably priced!!!!
Something that has worked great for hostesses lately is to send out a text and facebook reminder the day of of the day before the party.
Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions.
In the email, this is what I write: (sorry that it is centered. I can't get the post to line at the left.)
Hi __________,
These are some invitations to the party at your house you can use with email, Facebook and to copy. They serve as a great reminder when emailed or facebooked the day before the part. I have attached two different ones. You do whatever is best for you. I also am attaching a paper about how to get the most free jewelry (hostess tips).
The most important thing is to give a physical invite and say the following:
1. Everything is $5 or less ($5.50 with the tax).
2. It is cute!!!!!
3. Bring a friends and daughters.
4. Stock up for Christmas!!!! Makes great stocking stuffers and accents to outfits!!!
Let your guests know that they can do their Christmas shopping at this party because everything is cute and reasonably priced!!!!
Something that has worked great for hostesses lately is to send out a text and facebook reminder the day of of the day before the party.
Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions.
If you want the invites that I send via email or the hostess tips, please email me at and I will send it back to you!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
INVENTORY! Inventory! Inventory!!!!!
I've had a few people ask me how to sell more, book more parties and enroll more people. I say, "Display a lot of jewelry at EVERY party and event you do and have more in boxes."
Some people have asked how much should I take and show at each party? My answer, "A LOT!!!!" I recommend at least 200-300 pieces.
One person asked what a 400-500 piece display looks like.
I finally remembered to take a picture of what I have been taking to parties for the months of October, November and December.
I finally remembered to take a picture of what I have been taking to parties for the months of October, November and December.
Some parties, I don't need this much and other parties, I have been VERY grateful for a large display that can handle 15 women looking at it at the same time. Because of my inventory and displays, I have had many $500+ parties and one $700+ party.
(This last picture isn't the best, but it is good enough for now. It is 3 pegboards with one to two rows of necklaces. There are about 15 columns on each. (So a total of about 25-30 each pegboard - group by color!!!)
So what do I have displayed?
I try to have between
90-100 necklaces on display
60-80 pairs of earrings
40-60 bracelets
40-60 rings
30-50 heabands
50-75 clips
That is a lot, but the more variety and quantity I have, the more people can find what they want. They will buy more when there is more to buy!!! They will buy more when they can find that perfect piece or maybe 10 perfect pieces.
If you notice in my pictures, I have boxes below the tables and displays. My duplicates and blockbuster extras, I keep in boxes. I tell people they can look in the boxes if they want to find something different. There is one box where I put all the blockbusters. There is another box where I put all the necklaces ordered in sets. They are bagged by color. So if the display is missing one or two purple necklaces, I can just grab the purple necklace bag and pull two out. If someone is looking for a certain color of necklace, I hand them the bag with the color they want and tell them they can look through it. It works great for me. I also have a box for clips and headbands, one for rings and starlet shimmers, and one for bracelets and earrings. I usually have most of the earrings and bracelets displayed, but after a big order, I will have a few I don't put out until some are bought.
How long did it take me to acquire this much inventory? Well, I bought the $1400 starter package. I had to put it on a credit card, but I knew that it would sell. My hope was that from my very first party, I would have a hearty selection and satisfied customers who would want to buy from me and book parties with me. My first party was over $500! I never could have had a party like that with a 100 or probably even a 150-200 piece inventory! From my first 6 or 7 parties and events, I reinvested all the money I made back into building inventory, making displays and building my business and paying off my initial debt. REINVEST. This is not just a job! It is a business. If you treat it like a business, you will have success. If you sell and put money in your pocket starting with your first show, you will be less likely to make more money in the end.
After I built my inventory to where I was comfortable, I started paying myself. Now, I make very good money. I have had usually 4-6 parties a week since the beginning of October. I have given parties away to people when I am too busy or can't do it on a day that someone wants one. I would not have the business and customer base I have with a small inventory and selection.
One week, I had 6 parties booked and 3 basket parties. I was happy to have enough jewelry to do shows and have 3 baskets out at the same time. That week, I sold over $2200!!! That was a sweet week!
A few times when people walk into a party, I will hear them say something like, "This isn't a jewelry party. This is a jewelry store!!! Sweet." "Yes. I can do my Christmas shopping with a selection like this." "This is a jewelry party on steriods." "The last Paparazzi party I went to was nothing like this. She only had one display." EtC!
NOW, do NOT think that you only can do parties if you have as much as I have. You can do parties with as much as you have. You can make money with smaller inventories. Businesses take time to grow. You may have to grow yours more slowly. That is ok! You do what is best for you.
I want to offer some ways to make your inventory look bigger than what is it.
1. If you know of other Paparazzi consultants in your area, mark you jewelry (with a sticker or nail polish or something on the back of the tag) and combine your inventories until you get enough to do parties with your own inventory. This does require cooperation, good record keeping and maturity. You can even use each other displays. Pay $3.10 (or the cost of the jewelry after taxes) for each item sold. You keep the profit to apply to your next order.
2. If you enroll someone and they live near you, offer to help them with their first/second/third party. Add some of your inventory to theirs. When they have a bigger inventory from the beginning, they will book more, sell more and have more success and less frustration. Give them some extra confidence. Let them keep the profit from any jewelry they sell of yours to put towards more inventory.
3. Lay everything you have out for customers to see. If you don't have a huge inventory and/or don't have lots of room for displaying what you do have, you can just lay necklaces on a table. It doesn't have to be on a pegboard.
If you would like to talk with me about increasing the size of your parties and booking more parties, please feel free to email me ( or call me at (435)610-1609.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Pick Your Own Items
I will be the first to say there are certain items of Paparazzi's that I don't love or like that much. There are a few things I have that I wonder if I will ever sell them. I cheer inside when someone buys one!!! When I am looking at ordering kits and I see one of the items that doesn't sell as well, I wonder if I should choose that kit. Often, if the other 4 items sell easily, I buy it.
I've been debating about what to do with this situation and I've done the math. For $10, you can have Paparazzi pull 25 singular items from kits at the wherehouse. So it costs an additional $.40 for each item you have pulled. I think it is actually less expensive to have them pull the 4 items you want in a pack than it is to get a pack of 5 with one that doesn't sell well (especially if you already have 2 or 3 of them in your inventory).
Yesterday, I made a large purchase because I have so many parties coming up. I went through each package and decided what I wanted and what I didn't want. I bought a lot of 5 set kits. Then I called corporate and asked them to pull 150 items I wanted from kits where I didn't want to buy everything. I figure it costs me $.40 more per item, but that is worth it to me. I avoided having some of the slower moving items in my inventory.
There are quite a few clips, headbands, necklaces, bracelets, etc that come in blockbusters that are not in kits. This is your chance to buy 1 or 2 each the ones you want without having to buy 5 of the same one. Smart idea!!!! Just make sure you tell corporate that you want these shipped with your other order so you don't have to pay shipping on it!
Just so you know for 1-25 items, it cost $10. If you have them pull 26, it will cost $20. So plan accordingly. Buy in groups of 25 to avoid being charged so much per item.
Happy shopping!!!!
I've been debating about what to do with this situation and I've done the math. For $10, you can have Paparazzi pull 25 singular items from kits at the wherehouse. So it costs an additional $.40 for each item you have pulled. I think it is actually less expensive to have them pull the 4 items you want in a pack than it is to get a pack of 5 with one that doesn't sell well (especially if you already have 2 or 3 of them in your inventory).
Yesterday, I made a large purchase because I have so many parties coming up. I went through each package and decided what I wanted and what I didn't want. I bought a lot of 5 set kits. Then I called corporate and asked them to pull 150 items I wanted from kits where I didn't want to buy everything. I figure it costs me $.40 more per item, but that is worth it to me. I avoided having some of the slower moving items in my inventory.
There are quite a few clips, headbands, necklaces, bracelets, etc that come in blockbusters that are not in kits. This is your chance to buy 1 or 2 each the ones you want without having to buy 5 of the same one. Smart idea!!!! Just make sure you tell corporate that you want these shipped with your other order so you don't have to pay shipping on it!
Just so you know for 1-25 items, it cost $10. If you have them pull 26, it will cost $20. So plan accordingly. Buy in groups of 25 to avoid being charged so much per item.
Happy shopping!!!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Newspaper Article About A Lady Who Sells Paparazzi
If any of you are talking to people who are interested in Paparazzi, but are a little skeptical because they have never seen it before or seen a party, here is a newspaper article that was on the front page of my local paper. It is about home-based business, but refers to a Paparrazzi consultant the whole article. If you do the math in the article, she has sold about $40,000 worth of Paparazzi in a year. That is about $18,000 profit and that doesn't include her downline. She started with just 150 pieces.
I have seen Diane's booth and talked to her. She is very nice. In fact, it was after seeing her booth at a fair, that I decided to do this. I went back to my friend who sells and joined!
This is the link in the Herald Journal. I don't know how long people will be able to access it so I am copying and pasting it in here.
October 16, 2011 Herald Journal, Logan UT
If you meet Diane Merrill, you’ll learn fairly quickly that she loves anything that sparkles.
The teacher aide at North Park Elementary School in North Logan makes jewelry a staple in her everyday wardrobe, but it’s not the traditional flair — whether it’s beads or earrings — from Paparazzi Jewelry. You might say it’s “jazzy.”
“Jazzy,” as in Jazzy Jewelry, is the name of the business run entirely by Merrill. She started her business last year with just 150 pieces of jewelry and to date has sold approximately 8,000 pieces as a Paparazzi independent consultant.
The pieces were sold at parties, boutiques and popular community events like the annual Cache County Fair.
“I started it because it’s really cute and inexpensive,” Merrill said at her Smithfield home Friday, adding that some of her jewelry goes for as little as $5.
The business, she said, was started because of her passion for jewelry. Her daughter, a teacher in Provo, said she first saw Paparazzi at an open house. When she told her mother about it, it wasn’t long before Merrill got the gears going to start her own franchise.
But there was also another motivating factor: To help pay the bills while her husband looked for work.
Merrill keeps at least 45 percent of everything she brings in through sales, in addition to bonuses from customers.
“It’s necessary for me to do it, but I have a lot of fun,” Merrill said. “It’s probably the easiest thing I have ever done. Plus, women love jewelry; you just put it in front of them and they’ll love it.”
Merrill’s not the only one who’s found a niche with her start-up business. With the national unemployment rate at 9.1 percent and Utah’s unemployment rate at 7.6 percent, the downturn in the economy has been the spark that’s caused many in Cache Valley to start up their own businesses in the most familiar place to them — home.
An informal survey of a handful of cities in the valley found there is an increase in the number of people who have applied for permits in the last two years, according to business license officials in the area.
Logan city generated 491 home businesses from 2009 to 2011, and the number is growing, according to requested figures from Joyce Creech, Logan’s business license clerk.
But the total number of home businesses in Logan is approximately 750, said James Olsen, a former Logan business clerk.
“There’s always a steady stream coming in,” Olsen said. “On the other hand, there were a number (of home businesses) dying off. I think a lot of times, people try their hand and then they find out it was more than they bargained for.”
Creech said it’s not standard practice for Logan or other cities in the valley to ask about the home business license petitioner’s personal situation, but a lot of people volunteer that a layoff has led to starting a home business. She said they often say they stop after finding permanent work outside the home.
Char Izatt, Smithfield deputy recorder, said there has been a “noticeable increase” in home occupation businesses in the past three years and, based on that fact, attributes it to the economy.
Of the 418 active business licenses, Izatt said, home occupations make up more than half of the total number, at 251. Of those home occupations in the city, 200 of them are non-disruptive (Internet sales, consulting, general contractors, crafts, etc.), while 51 of them are potentially disruptive. They include beauty salons, child care, preschool, miscellaneous instruction and some small manufacturing that requires zoning clearance.
She noted that many home businesses do not renew the following year because they’re not able to stay in business.
Nibley has 154 business licenses, and in 2011 alone, there have been 31 licenses issued.
“People are clever; I think we have some younger people that are trying to start a business out of their home, which is different in the past where the mentality was ‘go get a job,’” said Cynthia Fredrickson, Nibley business license clerk. “People are thinking outside the box, and we’ve got a lot of successful business.”
Several individuals contacted for this story said even though they did not start up their home business to help offset hard economic times, they are now relying more on the cash earned than before.
The idea of starting a home business is also gaining popularity nationwide. There were 21.1 million self-employed businesses in 2009, the Census Bureau reported in July. Those businesses generated $838 billion in sales that year. In Utah in 2009 there were 176,338 self-employers with $6.3 billion in sales, down from highs in 2007.
Merrill keeps an inventory of all her sales, but says it’s hard to estimate just how much she makes yearly.
Customers often come to her to help coordinate jewelry with their wardrobe, especially for special occasions like proms and weddings. Some days she’ll see one person; other days it’s 10 or 20.
She doesn’t use Facebook, Twitter or MySpace, but does have an active blog. She also has an email flier and sends text message alerts. She keeps roughly 200 people informed regularly — and the list is growing.
She puts a business card in every bag of jewelry sold.
“After that, it’s word of mouth,” Merrill said.
Her taxes are pre-collected because she sells another company’s product and is not selling her own, she said.
The only challenges with Jazzy Jewelry are keeping up with demand and finding enough time to work. She jokes that she should be able to find more time now that her three children are grown.
“I can be as busy as I want to be,” Merrill said. “I control my own stress level.”
Merrill is confident of her future.
“I’m looking forward to growing my business and getting the word out. This jewelry sells because in this economy, everyone can afford $5 for something cute.”
I have seen Diane's booth and talked to her. She is very nice. In fact, it was after seeing her booth at a fair, that I decided to do this. I went back to my friend who sells and joined!
This is the link in the Herald Journal. I don't know how long people will be able to access it so I am copying and pasting it in here.
October 16, 2011 Herald Journal, Logan UT
Home business boom: Economy prompts many locals to try own enterprises
If you meet Diane Merrill, you’ll learn fairly quickly that she loves anything that sparkles.
The teacher aide at North Park Elementary School in North Logan makes jewelry a staple in her everyday wardrobe, but it’s not the traditional flair — whether it’s beads or earrings — from Paparazzi Jewelry. You might say it’s “jazzy.”
“Jazzy,” as in Jazzy Jewelry, is the name of the business run entirely by Merrill. She started her business last year with just 150 pieces of jewelry and to date has sold approximately 8,000 pieces as a Paparazzi independent consultant.
The pieces were sold at parties, boutiques and popular community events like the annual Cache County Fair.
“I started it because it’s really cute and inexpensive,” Merrill said at her Smithfield home Friday, adding that some of her jewelry goes for as little as $5.
The business, she said, was started because of her passion for jewelry. Her daughter, a teacher in Provo, said she first saw Paparazzi at an open house. When she told her mother about it, it wasn’t long before Merrill got the gears going to start her own franchise.
But there was also another motivating factor: To help pay the bills while her husband looked for work.
Merrill keeps at least 45 percent of everything she brings in through sales, in addition to bonuses from customers.
“It’s necessary for me to do it, but I have a lot of fun,” Merrill said. “It’s probably the easiest thing I have ever done. Plus, women love jewelry; you just put it in front of them and they’ll love it.”
Merrill’s not the only one who’s found a niche with her start-up business. With the national unemployment rate at 9.1 percent and Utah’s unemployment rate at 7.6 percent, the downturn in the economy has been the spark that’s caused many in Cache Valley to start up their own businesses in the most familiar place to them — home.
An informal survey of a handful of cities in the valley found there is an increase in the number of people who have applied for permits in the last two years, according to business license officials in the area.
Logan city generated 491 home businesses from 2009 to 2011, and the number is growing, according to requested figures from Joyce Creech, Logan’s business license clerk.
But the total number of home businesses in Logan is approximately 750, said James Olsen, a former Logan business clerk.
“There’s always a steady stream coming in,” Olsen said. “On the other hand, there were a number (of home businesses) dying off. I think a lot of times, people try their hand and then they find out it was more than they bargained for.”
Creech said it’s not standard practice for Logan or other cities in the valley to ask about the home business license petitioner’s personal situation, but a lot of people volunteer that a layoff has led to starting a home business. She said they often say they stop after finding permanent work outside the home.
Char Izatt, Smithfield deputy recorder, said there has been a “noticeable increase” in home occupation businesses in the past three years and, based on that fact, attributes it to the economy.
Of the 418 active business licenses, Izatt said, home occupations make up more than half of the total number, at 251. Of those home occupations in the city, 200 of them are non-disruptive (Internet sales, consulting, general contractors, crafts, etc.), while 51 of them are potentially disruptive. They include beauty salons, child care, preschool, miscellaneous instruction and some small manufacturing that requires zoning clearance.
She noted that many home businesses do not renew the following year because they’re not able to stay in business.
Nibley has 154 business licenses, and in 2011 alone, there have been 31 licenses issued.
“People are clever; I think we have some younger people that are trying to start a business out of their home, which is different in the past where the mentality was ‘go get a job,’” said Cynthia Fredrickson, Nibley business license clerk. “People are thinking outside the box, and we’ve got a lot of successful business.”
Several individuals contacted for this story said even though they did not start up their home business to help offset hard economic times, they are now relying more on the cash earned than before.
The idea of starting a home business is also gaining popularity nationwide. There were 21.1 million self-employed businesses in 2009, the Census Bureau reported in July. Those businesses generated $838 billion in sales that year. In Utah in 2009 there were 176,338 self-employers with $6.3 billion in sales, down from highs in 2007.
Merrill keeps an inventory of all her sales, but says it’s hard to estimate just how much she makes yearly.
Customers often come to her to help coordinate jewelry with their wardrobe, especially for special occasions like proms and weddings. Some days she’ll see one person; other days it’s 10 or 20.
She doesn’t use Facebook, Twitter or MySpace, but does have an active blog. She also has an email flier and sends text message alerts. She keeps roughly 200 people informed regularly — and the list is growing.
She puts a business card in every bag of jewelry sold.
“After that, it’s word of mouth,” Merrill said.
Her taxes are pre-collected because she sells another company’s product and is not selling her own, she said.
The only challenges with Jazzy Jewelry are keeping up with demand and finding enough time to work. She jokes that she should be able to find more time now that her three children are grown.
“I can be as busy as I want to be,” Merrill said. “I control my own stress level.”
Merrill is confident of her future.
“I’m looking forward to growing my business and getting the word out. This jewelry sells because in this economy, everyone can afford $5 for something cute.”
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The Hidden Box
I take a lot of my inventory to parties with me. I never know if it is going to be a great party or one that bombs (Yes, I have parties that don't go well sometimes!). If I think it is going to be great, I make sure I have a lot of different items for people to look at. The truth is that the more selection you have, the more people will buy because they can find more of what they want.
I can't put everything I have out on displays. It is simply too much. I can have about 50-60 headbands displayed at once, but sometimes I have more of that in my possession. I have about 40 clips on my display, but I have more on the table or in a box. When it comes to earrings, I have quite a few (maybe 60 out). I know that it has been recommended that you only have one earring per hook, but I put 3 or 4 of the same color on a hook because I have so many. With necklaces, I try to do one per hook.
When guests come to the open house and are waiting to hear my speech, I simply say, "Hi. My name is Michelle and I am the Paparazzi consultant. Everything is $5.50 which includes the tax - except for the little girl items and the price is posted on them. If you see something you like, but want it in a different color, I might have it in a box. I can look for it or you can look. Feel free to look through any of the boxes you see. I don't have room to display everything that I have. Let me know if you have any questions." And I let them go shopping and have fun!
There have been quite a few parties where the ladies will start to open one box and then another and another. They think they are finding hidden treasures. It is awesome to see them so excited about a necklace still in plastic. Pretty soon, they are all going through the boxes. Women like to rummage. Don't be afraid to let women peak into your "hidden boxes." It is a great sales strategy!
I can't put everything I have out on displays. It is simply too much. I can have about 50-60 headbands displayed at once, but sometimes I have more of that in my possession. I have about 40 clips on my display, but I have more on the table or in a box. When it comes to earrings, I have quite a few (maybe 60 out). I know that it has been recommended that you only have one earring per hook, but I put 3 or 4 of the same color on a hook because I have so many. With necklaces, I try to do one per hook.
When guests come to the open house and are waiting to hear my speech, I simply say, "Hi. My name is Michelle and I am the Paparazzi consultant. Everything is $5.50 which includes the tax - except for the little girl items and the price is posted on them. If you see something you like, but want it in a different color, I might have it in a box. I can look for it or you can look. Feel free to look through any of the boxes you see. I don't have room to display everything that I have. Let me know if you have any questions." And I let them go shopping and have fun!
There have been quite a few parties where the ladies will start to open one box and then another and another. They think they are finding hidden treasures. It is awesome to see them so excited about a necklace still in plastic. Pretty soon, they are all going through the boxes. Women like to rummage. Don't be afraid to let women peak into your "hidden boxes." It is a great sales strategy!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
My Upline's Displays
This is my upline's displays. When she travels, she keeps the jewelry on her board using carpet pad and bungee cords. You can also use string, ribbon, saran wrap and more!
She sets up a table and sits down with a money box to check-out people. I don't sit! I walk around and talk to people, but I do have a table where I check people out and have them fill out the entry for a drawing which includes their name, number and if they are interested in hosting a party or becoming a consultant. I have booked many parties from those little papers. I also tell them when they host a party, they usually get anywhere from 6-12 pieces of free jewelry.
She sets up a table and sits down with a money box to check-out people. I don't sit! I walk around and talk to people, but I do have a table where I check people out and have them fill out the entry for a drawing which includes their name, number and if they are interested in hosting a party or becoming a consultant. I have booked many parties from those little papers. I also tell them when they host a party, they usually get anywhere from 6-12 pieces of free jewelry.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Clip Display
This is how I display my clips. It holds about 45-48 clips when they are packed closely together. Extra clips I have that don't fit, I just put around the tables and out where people can see them. Usually the clips that have 2 small ones, I keep on a card and put near the starlight shimmer items. BTW, you need to check out and buy some starlight shimmer rings and earrings if you haven't already. I charge $1.25 per item and they sell VERY WELL.
I display a clip on a bag. You can also display a clip on a hat, shoes, necklace, shirt, jacket, sweater, etc. Showing or explaining how clips can be worn are great for upselling. At my very first party, I wore a clip on a necklace. The first customer bought 6 items. Then she talked to my mom (the host) for a while. After a few minutes, she said, "Is that a clip you are wearing on your necklace?" I said, "Yes. There are SO MANY things you can do with clips." I proceeded to tell her all the places you can wear a clip. She walked over the clips and bought 4 more:) Nice! I have used this technique many times and sold MANY clips by just talking about what you can do with clips. ALWAYS wear a clip on a necklace (unless it looks really bad! Then just wear it on your shirt!)
Happy clip selling:)
To make my display, I just bought an old frame from a garage sale ($.25!!!!) I spray painted it white and then stapled ribbon from one side to the other in rows. It took me about 20 minutes total (not including drying time). The clip display is easy to transport, quick to set up (just lay it on a table) and cute! I get many compliments about it at parties and people say they are going to go home and make one for their clips!
This is the back of the display.
I display a clip on a bag. You can also display a clip on a hat, shoes, necklace, shirt, jacket, sweater, etc. Showing or explaining how clips can be worn are great for upselling. At my very first party, I wore a clip on a necklace. The first customer bought 6 items. Then she talked to my mom (the host) for a while. After a few minutes, she said, "Is that a clip you are wearing on your necklace?" I said, "Yes. There are SO MANY things you can do with clips." I proceeded to tell her all the places you can wear a clip. She walked over the clips and bought 4 more:) Nice! I have used this technique many times and sold MANY clips by just talking about what you can do with clips. ALWAYS wear a clip on a necklace (unless it looks really bad! Then just wear it on your shirt!)
Happy clip selling:)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Headband Display
4" plastic pipe (I recommend spray painting it).
1" piece of wood that are about 9 inches wide
We cut the pipe into 4 pieces that are 26" across.
The 2x4's are also cut into 4 pieces that are 26" across.
The sides are 1" thick, 9" wide and 25" tall.
With 4 tiers, it holds about 50-60 headbands at one time! The picture at the very top is with 39 headbands, but I like to have more on than that. The headbands still can twist so the heavy part is at the bottom so the tighter I pack it, the better the headbands don't twist. You can always make one that has 1, 2 or 3 tiers if you don't want to have so many headbands.
If you want one, email me at
Friday, October 14, 2011
Pegboard Carrying Display Case

See the pegboard carrying case.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Arrow Sign
Mandy at Sugar Bee Crafts (a fellow Paparazzi consultant) has another great idea for a craft booth (and can be used for other things when not at a fair). She made a chalkboard arrow sign and writes $5 jewelry on it. Super cute idea!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Great Ideas At Sugar Bee
When I do parties and small fairs, I wear an apron and walk around instead of sitting at a table to collect money. That way I can talk to the customers, try to upsell and answer questions. Utility aprons are diffficult to find. Sugar Bee has an easy tutorial on how to make one. It should only take a few minutes.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Friend Frenzy
At the corporate training last week, Misty Kirby gave some really GREAT ideas on how to get more people to your parties which will result in more sales, more money made, more parties booked and more consultants to join your team.
One idea was called "Friend Frenzy."
On the invitation, write there will be a drawing for a FREE piece of jewelry to be chosen at the end of party. You can put your name in the drawing once for every friend you bring. 3 friends = 3 entries. Let your hostess know that you will be doing this so they can tell their friends when they are delivering the invitations.
The three things hostesses should say when delivering invites are:
1. Everything is $5.
2. Everything is so cute!!!!
3. Bring friends who enjoy a great deal and be entered to win free jewelry.
It is rare that someone will come to a party without buying at least one piece of jewelry. This will definitely increase your sales and more. Also, these are people that you probably wouldn't have access to invite! Awesome idea!!!
Any more ideas on how to get more guests to parties? Leave them in the comments.
One idea was called "Friend Frenzy."
On the invitation, write there will be a drawing for a FREE piece of jewelry to be chosen at the end of party. You can put your name in the drawing once for every friend you bring. 3 friends = 3 entries. Let your hostess know that you will be doing this so they can tell their friends when they are delivering the invitations.
The three things hostesses should say when delivering invites are:
1. Everything is $5.
2. Everything is so cute!!!!
3. Bring friends who enjoy a great deal and be entered to win free jewelry.
It is rare that someone will come to a party without buying at least one piece of jewelry. This will definitely increase your sales and more. Also, these are people that you probably wouldn't have access to invite! Awesome idea!!!
Any more ideas on how to get more guests to parties? Leave them in the comments.
Friday, September 16, 2011
5 for $25
The first little small town fair I did, I kept pretty good track of how many items each person bought. The majority of people bought one or two items. There was one person that bought four items, and two people that bought 5 or more items and one of them was actually a lady who have 6 teenagers with her. So at the next little booth I did, I put up a sign that said "5 for $25." So basically, I paid their tax. At that consignment sale, I had 3 people who bought that much to get the deal (and the sales overall were very slow/few). At the other little fair I did, I have 8 people buy 5 items to get that deal. They were all excited and a few told me they would be calling me to order more. One of them, booked a party. While I figure it costs mea little to get people to buy that much, it made me a lot more than it cost. I figure most of those people would have only bought 2 or 3 items each. Plus, they felt they were getting an amazing deal, will be future customers, and moved more product. I charge exact tax per item (including the tax) so I came out ahead the money collected.
Before you do a "deal," think it through. When I have done a deal and people booked a party, they expect the deal at their party. And when someone else books a party from that party, they expect the deal too. If you offer a deal at your house when people come to buy, they expect it everywhere and tell everyone about the deal. I have told people that when I do a Special, it is at a fair, not at a party (but most don't like it!)
Before you do a "deal," think it through. When I have done a deal and people booked a party, they expect the deal at their party. And when someone else books a party from that party, they expect the deal too. If you offer a deal at your house when people come to buy, they expect it everywhere and tell everyone about the deal. I have told people that when I do a Special, it is at a fair, not at a party (but most don't like it!)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Book More Parties Using This Method
Last week, I set up shop at a consignment sale and a 4 hour, small town fair. From those events, I booked 8 parties there and have 4 people I am checking back with. How did I do it? I printed out a paper on my computer that said,
"Book a party Today
get one FREE item today."
People love the word FREE! They were very excited to get that free item! Take a calendar with you of dates you can and can't host a party. Pull it out, write the person's name down, get their info and let them take one item so they can start advertising! It works!!!!
While they back out of a party, that is a risk I am willing to take. At a loss of about $2.75, I am figure the greater opportunity to make $100 or more is worth it.
Monday, September 5, 2011
How To Make Your Pegs Stay In Your Pegboard
Anybody having a hard time keeping their pegs in their pegboard? Mine fall out much too often - especially when people lift a necklace or something off the peg. To solve this problem, I have been wrapping an elastic band around the backside of the peg.
The peg won't come off! I love it. Go invest in a $2.00 bag of elastics to make your display better and less of a headache!!!!
The peg won't come off! I love it. Go invest in a $2.00 bag of elastics to make your display better and less of a headache!!!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Awesome Invites
I'm not totally impressed with the Paparazzi invites. Mainly because they don't say "Everything is $5" or something like unto it. If you use Paparazzi's, either write or put a sticker on that says something about "$5." Make sure you are talking to people too about how cute and inexpensive the jewelry is!
One of the Paparazzi ladies made these amazing invites. She said they only cost her $.01 each from HERE!!!! Wouldn't they be awesome to pass out to people.
She wrote "I did their advanced designer and did all the pictures, writing on my own. I got 2500 business cards for only $25, plus the $8 shipping, but totally worth it. " I'm going to try to figure out how to get some invites like these!

She wrote "I did their advanced designer and did all the pictures, writing on my own. I got 2500 business cards for only $25, plus the $8 shipping, but totally worth it. " I'm going to try to figure out how to get some invites like these!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Hostess Rewards
How to do Hostess Rewards?
There are several options and you choose what is best for you, but it should be at least equal to 5% of your cost and 10% to what you sell at the party.
I do:
1 piece for hosting the party. 10% for every $100 sold. So for a $250 party, the hostess would get to choose 5 items for the total sold and 2 for hosting the party. That's 7 total items. It "costs" me approximately $20 (after the taxes I had to pay) to earn about $105. Not bad for 3 hours of work. And the hostess feels like she got a great deal. Everyone is happy! ***Actually, it doesn't "cost "that much when you read below about Paparazzi giving you free items for hostess rewards.***
Some other options:
1 item for hosting, 1 piece for every 10 paying customers who come,plus 1 item for every $100 sold
1 item for booking a party (if they book it at someone else's party/fair)
1 item for at least 20 people coming
If you do one out of your home, you could do a "Mystery Hostess" drawing, so whoever gets it, gets to have the 10% or you could split it and 2 people could have 5% each. That might get more people coming. But order to qualify, they must purchase something. Or you could give a set number of items away. Or you can keep the money yourself.
You can also do a raffle for 2 items, plus your business card & comp plan flyer
I have also heard of consultants giving the hostess 1/2 off an item if someone books a party at their party, but they must redeem it at their friend's party (so they might buy even more there, or they may never redeem it, just an extra option)
I also offer 2 free items if they refer someone that signs up under me. Hope this helps. Just find what works best for you & make a sign and frame it saying what a hostess gets, you may get more if they realize how much awesome FREE stuff they can get!
I also write a THANK YOU note after the party is over!
What other ways are there? What do you do? Leave it in the comments.
Just remember: the hostess does a lot of work. Passing out invites, cleaning her house, providing refreshments. If you reward them kindly, they will remember and will make future recommendations for you, host more parties, be repeat buyers and such. Don't be stingy!
I've been asked if the company gives you hostess rewards. The answer is yes AND no.
The following tends to be the case, but not always!!!
Paparazzi usually gives you 1 "hostess reward" for every 20 items you purchase (5%). Sometimes it shows up on your invoice and sometimes it doesn't, but there should be a bag or two labeled "hostess rewards" in your box. These may be discountinued items or current items. They may be beautiful. They may be harder to sell items. They are free! Be grateful for them and make the most of them:)
There are several options and you choose what is best for you, but it should be at least equal to 5% of your cost and 10% to what you sell at the party.
I do:
1 piece for hosting the party. 10% for every $100 sold. So for a $250 party, the hostess would get to choose 5 items for the total sold and 2 for hosting the party. That's 7 total items. It "costs" me approximately $20 (after the taxes I had to pay) to earn about $105. Not bad for 3 hours of work. And the hostess feels like she got a great deal. Everyone is happy! ***Actually, it doesn't "cost "that much when you read below about Paparazzi giving you free items for hostess rewards.***
Some other options:
1 item for hosting, 1 piece for every 10 paying customers who come,plus 1 item for every $100 sold
1 item for booking a party (if they book it at someone else's party/fair)
1 item for at least 20 people coming
If you do one out of your home, you could do a "Mystery Hostess" drawing, so whoever gets it, gets to have the 10% or you could split it and 2 people could have 5% each. That might get more people coming. But order to qualify, they must purchase something. Or you could give a set number of items away. Or you can keep the money yourself.
You can also do a raffle for 2 items, plus your business card & comp plan flyer
I have also heard of consultants giving the hostess 1/2 off an item if someone books a party at their party, but they must redeem it at their friend's party (so they might buy even more there, or they may never redeem it, just an extra option)
I also offer 2 free items if they refer someone that signs up under me. Hope this helps. Just find what works best for you & make a sign and frame it saying what a hostess gets, you may get more if they realize how much awesome FREE stuff they can get!
I also write a THANK YOU note after the party is over!
What other ways are there? What do you do? Leave it in the comments.
Just remember: the hostess does a lot of work. Passing out invites, cleaning her house, providing refreshments. If you reward them kindly, they will remember and will make future recommendations for you, host more parties, be repeat buyers and such. Don't be stingy!
I've been asked if the company gives you hostess rewards. The answer is yes AND no.
The following tends to be the case, but not always!!!
Paparazzi usually gives you 1 "hostess reward" for every 20 items you purchase (5%). Sometimes it shows up on your invoice and sometimes it doesn't, but there should be a bag or two labeled "hostess rewards" in your box. These may be discountinued items or current items. They may be beautiful. They may be harder to sell items. They are free! Be grateful for them and make the most of them:)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Vertical Headband Holders
I've seen two ways that people have displayed their headbands in a vertical manner. It takes up less room, makes some headbands more at eye level and can be seen from father away. This could be a good idea for fairs and booths.
This display is made out of pipe used for plumbing. I'm not sure the diameter. Just take a headband to the home improvement store and find the size that fits.
Or you can use round galvanized pipe in the same manner. I didn't get a picture of this one! They both look really good.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Bracelet Display Tiered Trays
I thought these would be a cute way to display bracelets - especially in small spaces. Here's this tutorial.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Separating Necklaces/ Storing jewelry

I saw this and thought that maybe we could incorporate this into a display or use it to transport jewelry. I love the look of laying necklaces out on a black tablecloth. The aspect I don't like about it is the time it probably takes to set up and put it away. How would you keep all the necklaces separated from each other (not get tangled)? This might be one way to keep necklaces from tangling with each other once they are out of the bag.
See the tutorial at Make It and Love It.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Heavy Duty Metal Display AND Bracelets and Earrings Galore
If you are looking for a heavy duty display, this consultant made one with a metal bottom. Wow! Look at that board full on earrings and bracelets! Amazing!
Displaying jewelry on a Tabletop
If you don't have a pegboard display, don't worry. You can put a black or white tablecloth over a table and just lay the jewelry on top!!!!
Business Cards
I recommend having a business card and carrying some in your wallet. You never know when you will want or need one.
I made VERY inexpensive business cards. I give one to each person as they check out.
The following is one way to make business cards.
Go to Microsoft Office.
Select "Microsoft Publisher."
Click on "Publications for Print"
Select "Business Cards"
YOu can choose what template you want and fill the info in.
I just print mine at the regular copy store in black ink on magenta card stock and cut it myself. It costs me about 1.5 cents each.
I include the following words either on the back or front of the card!
"Want a few? Place an order (or buy some jewelry)!
Want a jewelry shopping spree? Host a party!
Want it all? Join the Paparazzi team!
Enjoy unlimited income in your spare time."
I'm not having success downloading the business card to this so you will just have to imagine the beauty in your mind:)
I made VERY inexpensive business cards. I give one to each person as they check out.
The following is one way to make business cards.
Go to Microsoft Office.
Select "Microsoft Publisher."
Click on "Publications for Print"
Select "Business Cards"
YOu can choose what template you want and fill the info in.
I just print mine at the regular copy store in black ink on magenta card stock and cut it myself. It costs me about 1.5 cents each.
I include the following words either on the back or front of the card!
"Want a few? Place an order (or buy some jewelry)!
Want a jewelry shopping spree? Host a party!
Want it all? Join the Paparazzi team!
Enjoy unlimited income in your spare time."
I'm not having success downloading the business card to this so you will just have to imagine the beauty in your mind:)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Paper Towel Headband Holder

Small Framed Pegboard Jewelry Holder
This is pegboard attached to a picture frame. She usually decorative knobs from a craft store for hanging necklaces and bracelets. Ribbon is threaded through the pegboard to make earring hooks. This would need to lean up against something or hang off something. See it here.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Duct Tape Folding Display


Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My First party - horizontal pegboard display
Boards bend forward slightly
Spray painted thrift store frames
Thrift store platter
Headbands in a triffle bowl
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